951 Premium, Metallic Premium and their counterpart 751 High Performance Cast Vinyls are the perfect fit for rough outdoor use! These are mainly used when the sticker will be regularly exposed to harsh elements and you don’t see yourself changing the design/colors often. It can last multiple years in it’s peak shape, going all the way up to 12 years for the balck and white, with colors at 10 years!

Metallic Cast vinyl is just that, a metallic looking version of the cast set! It has a special glittery, starry, flashy finish, but with the expected durability of the cast vinyl at 7 years.

The following vinyls have a shorter outdoor life with the average being 5 years: bronze, brass, pale gold, pyrite, champagne, red gold, silver grey, gold, anthracite, and graphite.

751 High Performace Cast vinyls offer a slightly less long-term option but where you sacrifice durability, you gain in color options! Instead of the decade long possibility with the premiums, the high performance offers 8 years for black/white and about 5 years for colors. In this set, there are 78 colors to choose from to get that absolutely perfect look.

This whole vinyl group is closely related to the Intermediate & Economy versions. The main differences are that the Cast Vinyls have a more “premium” aesthetic since there are so many color options and they have an extended durability.

Please know that we will do our best to match your needs but production colors vary by batch and RBG colors seen on a screen are very different than in person!

951 Premium Cast Metallic

951 Premium & 751 High Performance Cast

*Some colors are also available in a matte finish as well